Breathwork Meditation at Work

A practice to create and maintain a tranquil, serene, and peaceful work environment

As a business owner, your business - and its success - depends on your employees consistently showing up for work as the best version of themselves.

They come into work with every intention of doing their best but instead they show up stressed out, anxious and overwhelmed. This often means they lack the necessary focus and clarity to do their best work, and to be productive and efficient in executing their work responsibilities. The outcome? Incomplete work, unmet deadlines, and feeling inundated and overwhelmed. This often results in a dysfunctional work environment, fractious work relationships, burnout, lack of motivation, and calling in ‘sick’ all too often.

In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic simply exacerbated these issues. Now more than ever it is essential for businesses like yours to tackle - and find solutions for - issues around your employees’ mental wellbeing that may arise from ‘pressure cooker’ work environments. Offering a practice such as ‘Breathwork Meditation’ and making it a regular part of your company’s health and wellness program may help your employees remain grounded, calm, efficient, and better able to deal with the demands of a high-paced, challenging workplace. 

At Breathe with Robert, we offer a Breathwork mediation program – an ancient, dynamic breathing technique – that research has shown calms the mind, reduces stress and anxiety, and improves clarity and focus. A meditation practice that helps your employees ground, and stay grounded, in the present moment. And the best part is … it can be done during your lunch hour!

We offer weekly, bi-monthly, and monthly Breathwork meditation programs to fit your company’s schedule to help your workforce develop tools to manage stress and anxiety. To set up a time to discuss your specific requirements and find a program that is perfectly tailored to your company’s needs and budget, email Robert below.